How to Teach Your Kids 21st Century Skills

The 3 R’s have been replaced by the 4 C’s.

Reading, writing, and arithmetic were the educational standards for previous generations. However, they are not enough to ensure the success of 21st century kids, who live in a rapidly changing world, have to manage massive amounts of information from multiple sources, participate in a global economy, and prepare for jobs that haven’t been invented yet.

21st century kids need 21st century skills.

Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity are the 21st century skills that this generation needs to thrive.


Critical thinking is crucial for information management and learning, Collaboration is necessary for a win-win mentality and to participate in the global economy of the 21st century, Creativity is the basis of entrepreneurship, and Communication is essential for self actualization.



Engaged Active Reading is the most natural and effective way to teach 21st Century Skills.

Read books WITH your children, not to them. Enjoy the story together.

Rather than just passively listening to the story, engage your children in conversation. Ask them questions and answer the questions they ask you. Keep the conversation going.

Read the text and pictures. Define words. This teaches children to engage with text, and they learn where information comes from.

Connect the book to your children’s life by discussing events in their life or participating in activities together that are related to the story.

Actively reading books, engaging in conversations and discussions with your child, as well as doing activities related to the story are the most natural and effective ways to teach 21st Century Skills. While the 3 R’s are still important, the focus has shifted to the 4 C’s as the basis of education in the 21st century. Communication, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity are the skills that 21st Century Students need to thrive in today’s world and be prepared for the future.